Monday 2 February 2015

El Fuerte & Alamos

[Please scroll down for the English version]

[LV]Vai kāds teica, ka nevajag ēst ieskrietuvēs Meksikā? Mēs esam darījuši tikai to un pārtika ir bijusi neaprakstāmi garšīga!!! Pēc ierašanās uz cietzemes, mēs pavadījām nakti viesnīcā blakus ostai. Rītam pienākot devāmies El Fuerte pilsētas virzienā. Mazā pilsētele bija tiešām lieliska un ar savu personību. Šeit arī satikāmies ar mūsu draugiem no Jaunzēlandes (Flightless Kiwis), kuri tikko atgriezās no Vara Kanjona (Copper Canyon) piedzīvojuma. Ņemot vērā, ka arī mēs plānojam tur doties, dzirdēt par viņu pieredzi bija lieliski! :)
[EN]Did somebody said not to eat street food in Mexico? Well, we have been doing just that, and it has been delicious!!! After arriving late on mainland, we spent night in hotel near port and headed out towards El Fuerte first thing in the morning. We enjoyed nice little town and met up with our friends – Flightless Kiwis, who have just finished their Cooper Canyon adventure. As we were about to head that way, hearing about their experiences was great!

[LV] Labākais hot-dog ko līdz šim ir sanācis ēst jebkur!!! :)[EN] The best hot-dog we have ever head, who knew we would get it in Mexico?! :)

[LV]Alamos ir interesanta un dinamiska pilsētele, un to tiešām var just atrodoties tas sirdī, pilsētas centrā. Neesam gan pārliecināti vai tā mums patika vai nē, tomēr tā bija apmeklēšanas vērta. :)
[EN]Alamos is interesting and dynamic town and you can certainly feel it, when you get into heart of town. Not sure if we liked it or not, but it was nice town to visit. :)

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