Saturday 3 January 2015

One last hurrah in Guatemala…and then one more

Guatemala was a beautiful country to visit. Not only that but we made so many friends overland traveling. It is very nice to be able to travel around, get lost and be completely alone in a foreign land, but when you pull into a spot and you see another rig it can be such a relief! Wether it’s just to be able to bitch about the last boarder crossing or sit around and have a beer and discuss the best places you’ve traveled to and what your future plans are. It’s especially nice to run into new friends in a whole new location whether its expected or completely by accident. Sharing our adventures along the way have turned out to be such a nice little bonus.

Our last big adventure in Guatemala was hiking Volcan Paycaya and then our plan was to stay at a small hot springs resort close to the El Salvador boarder. We started driving up to the trailhead, which wasn’t well marked, and it took us trough a small town. We took a wrong turn somewhere and it became apparent when the whole town came out to watch us climb the steep hill on a  road just wide enough for us to fit. I got out and spoke with a cute little grandma who let me know that we would need to reverse to get to the proper street. AJ’s driving skills keep getting better and better. Soon enough we found our way to the trailhead, hired a guide, and started our trek up the volcano. We got to the top and was able to hike around on a huge lava field from 2010. We even brought our marshmallows and roasted them on the still smoking lava! Our guide took us the fast way down the volcano and we got to ‘ski’ down the skree fields. We came down in a quarter of the time it took us to get up and got in our rig and started heading south to the hot springs. 

The hot springs on our app didn’t have the best reviews, but it was a good location and sometimes you just need to see for yourself. Added bonus that it only cost $2.50 US to park overnight and use the springs. We were about 20 miles away when we were pulled over at a police check. No big deal, just the usual questions and showing of paperwork, but to our great surprise our friends that we had met in San Pedro pulled ahead of us and waived us down! Jim and Alina are two Brits who had been working in Australia and flew into Guatemala bought a Suburban and pimped it out a bit with a sleeping platform. The four of us headed to the springs and were pleasantly surprised with a beautiful little place with several pools located right on a river. After having a nice soak our friends invited us for dinner at their place and made us a delicious curry and mojitos. In the morning we woke up and had the pools all to ourselves to have a nice soak before starting the boarder crossing. It ended up being a perfect end to an amazing country.

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