Thursday 22 January 2015


[Please scroll down for the English version]

[LV]Ļaujiet mums teikt vienu – Kolorado pagaidām ir mūsu mīļākais štats ASV. Tas varētu izskaidrot to, kāpēc pavadījām tajā trīs nedēļas. Piedzīvojām labu, sliktu, lietainu un pat sniegotu laiku tur esot. Izbaudījām vasaras, rudens un ziemas miksli trīs nedēļu laikā. Laikam jau tas ir normāli, ja Kolorado tiek apmeklēts Oktobrī. :) Galu galā mēs lieliski pavadījām laiku kāpjot kalnos un kāpās, izbaudot neaprakstāmi skaistas un nomaļas kempinga vietas, un reizēm atpūšoties un neko nedarot.
[EN]Let us start with this – Colorado, is so far our favorite state in US. That might also explain why we spent three weeks over there. We had good, bad, rainy and snowy weather. It was a mix of summer, fall and winter in three weeks. I guess that’s what you get when you visit Colorado in October. :) At the end we had lots of fun, hiked some mountains and sand dunes, camped in incredible and remote campsites and overall just had a really, really good time.

Dinosaur National Monument

Dinosaur National Monument

[LV] Rudenīgais Kolorado | [EN] Fall colors of Colorado

Rocky Mountains National Park

Rocky Mountains National Park – Keyhole Route (Atslēgas cauruma kāpiens)

Rocky Mountains National Park – Keyhole Route (Atslēgas cauruma kāpiens)

Rocky Mountains National Park – Keyhole Route (Atslēgas cauruma kāpiens)

[LV] Ceļš uz Pikes Peak | [EN] Road To Pikes Peak

Pikes Peak

Pikes Peak

Pikes Peak

Pikes Peak

Great Sand Dunes National Park

Great Sand Dunes National Park

Rio Grande National Forest

Rio Grande National Forest

Rio Grande National Forest

Rio Grande National Forest

Rio Grande National Forest

Cinnamon Pass

Cinnamon Pass

Million Dollar Highway

Million Dollar Highway

Million Dollar Highway

Mesa Verde National Park

Mesa Verde National Park

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