Saturday 31 August 2013


This is what Wikipedia, the fountain of all knowledge, has to say. “Overlanding is the self-reliant overland travel to remote destinations where the journey is the principal goal. Typically, but not exclusively, by off-road capable transport where the principal form of lodging is camping;...
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Into the Arctic

After driving the Top of the World Highway, we found ourselves in Tok, Alaska.  We were planning on camping nearby, but unfortunately, there were several wild fires nearby, and the air was extremely smoky!  We decided to power through and try to make it up to Fairbanks. We arrived in...
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Texas Chainsaw Massacre....

Let it be known that if I say “American(s)” I mean USA citizens from this day forward.We made it into Texas,,only just,,, as the Colombia bridge crossing at Laredo is about as organised as a student rally..The Mexico immigration is on the “way in” side of the road so you...
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Ethiopia’s Culture and environment

Ethiopia is totally different from any other of the counties we travelled through. It felt as if we’ve landed in the Bible anywhere in the Old Testament and we became part of it. The people, the way they dress, the … Continue reading →

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Addis Ababa and heading north

Ethiopia is a beautiful country. We really enjoy being here and will spent longer time than anticipated in the country. The people are friendly and helpful. We were never stopped by Police. Some children beg and get angry if you … Continue reading →

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Day 37, Bush Camp (Angola) - Bush Camp (Namibia) 700 km

___      Kurzfassung via Satelliten Messager   ___Ui, schon in Namibia gelandet. Über tolle Landschaften ging es schnell bis auf eine Wellblechpiste. Nun dank Johann ein entspanntes Wildcamp. Morgen Etosha :-) ___
Tag 37, Sonntag 16. Dezember, Bushcamp (Angola)...
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Day 36, Saturday 15th December Bushcamp - Bush Camp 620 km

___      Kurzfassung via Satelliten Messager   ___Meer erreicht, aber leider nicht gebadet und das Resort ‘Carpe Diem’ u. auch kein Luxushotel gefunden… also weiter nach Lubito und nun Lubango. Wild-Bushcamp ___
Tag 36, Samstag 15. Dezember, Bushcamp...
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Day 35, Friday 14th December Beach Camp - Bush Camp 900 km

___      Kurzfassung via Satelliten Messager   ___Heute Sightseeing – Pedras Negras Felsformation und Wasserfall von Calandula – wunderschön! Leider permanent Regen. Nun Bushcamp im Grünen. Morgen wieder Meer. ___
Tag 35, Freitag 14. Dezember,...
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SYRIA Part 1

  Many of you asked us, how we managed to cross Syria as situation inside the country hasn’t  been clear. We were in Syria only one day, but it was one of the most unforgettable days, we are going to remember for long… Visas Our adventure with Syria started actually in...
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Friday 30 August 2013

Telkwa to Banff, Alberta

After leaving a very wet camp at Telkwa we were tired and wet so we decided to get a decent hotel in Prince George which turned out very well. Much needed sleep and heat and a dry out was the order of the day. We met Rhidian formerly from the Isle of A…

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Back to the Future…

It has been a while since last I posted an update, and with good reason !! The last few weeks have been filled with both highs and lows; excitement and disappointment… At times I operated on high energy, and others, relatively “low voltage”… I missed out on riding...
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Boquete, Panama

Following our stay at the La Jungla Rescue Center, we met up with the Hopp family in their beautiful rental home in Boquete. Scott and I met the Hopp’s through my dad. We had learned that they would be visiting Panama, so we worked hard to make sure we…

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In Sepia: Timothy O’Sullivan and the American West

Timothy H. O’Sullivan was one of the most important American photographers of the nineteenth century.  An influence on men like Ansel Adams – who personally discovered a two-foot long, linen-lined, leather-bound portfolio of images taken by O’Sullivan in the late 19th...
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LUST: The Essential Geography of the USA Map

The coolest competition (well, for geography nerds like me) that you’ve probably never heard of is the Cartography and Geographic Information Society’s annual contest.  Each year a Best of Show is chosen, and for most of the last several forevers it’s been...
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Happy Birthday Porter!

One year ago today, we went to the Humane Society and brought home our sweet boy Porter. Still reeling from the loss of our beloved Maddy, we knew that having a new fur face would help heal our hearts and … Continue reading →
Happy Birthday Porter! is a post from: The Next Big Adventure

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Tag 34, National Park

___      Kurzfassung via Satelliten Messager   ___Endlich haben wir sie gesehen – Elefanten, Zebras, Antilopen, Büffel und Affen, einfach herrlich. Alles inkl. Seilwinde benutzen. Nun Beachcamp, total allein! ___
Tag 34, Donnerstag 13. Dezember, Ecotur –...
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Some key data

Nun sind auch alle Details der Tage 33-40 Online.
Anbei einige Daten die sich angesammelt haben, sowie unsere bisher gefahrene Route.
Bis jetzt haben wir in 226 Stunden 15’877 Kilometer zurück gelegt und dabei 2’626 Liter Diesel verbraucht.
Unser durchschnittliche Verbrauch lag...
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Used Camera Drive – Muskoka Foundation

 ”If you want to influence your family,you can lead the way through your own actions. They are not going to change their worldview by something you repost on Facebook, but […]

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Thursday 29 August 2013


Colombia has been the most incredible (and welcome!) change from Panama. Flying into Cartagena with Milo was such an ordeal that I sort of didn’t expect it to actually happen, but once we saw the Cartagena skyline, I was so excited to be me again! We spent three sweaty, exhausting days in...
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Uzbekistan - and the hunt for Dizel

Typically long queue for petrol Warning:  [...]

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Prone to Wander: Less Krakauer, More Bryson

Unless you’re disposed to picking up hitchhikers, you typically know your traveling companions when starting a road trip.
I usually don’t have this luxury.  Most of my trips involve me traveling thousands of miles with complete strangers to areas of the globe where I...
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The Plain of Jars

In the distance the road split and the orange blob on the back of the motorcycle taxi veered left. I pointed ahead and motioned to Brad to follow. “If we keep that monk within sight we’ll find the temple.” The rural road out of Phonsavan quickly turned to red dirt. It was...
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Playing with Panda…

The past few weeks we have been cruising around in the National Forests of Washington and Oregon. We finally got the chance to play with Panda and take her on roads where she belongs. We have been driving on narrow mountainroads and winding dirt roads. We had to take some Dtours due to forest...
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The Final Leg – Lithuania to the English Channel

The Semi Final Leg – Lithuania to the English Channel Several thousand kilometres later after leaving Lithuania since the previous blog, we have finally again arrived on the English Channel in France at Dunkirk! Due both to rather poor Internet … Continue reading →

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Day 174…Jinja- I left my heart in Jinja!

Jambo, My route over the last few days. I cannot write the following blog in the words that I would like to. Its been far to amazing for even the […]

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U.S. Customs Crushes Land Rover Defender

I hope you’re not a fan of Defenders.  If so, you probably don’t want to watch this video.
In Baltimore last week, the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol sadly destroyed a Land Rover Defender 110 which it seized in April after discovering that it had been altered to appear...
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I know of three people who would agree with the 2013 report by the World Economic Forum which ranked Bolivia as the least friendly country for travellers – Butch, Sundance and Che all met with a hail of bullets in Bolivia. Okay, so these guys were hardly travellers. But, as the report...
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The 4Runner Revolts – Day 2

Tossed and turned all night wondering what pleasures tomorrow would bring. I eventually saw the sun come up, kissed Lauren goodbye and hiked out the road. Not much traffic flowing by at sunrise but eventually a lone tuk-tuk comes puttering … Continue reading →

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Wednesday 28 August 2013

Three postcards from Barichara

The post Three postcards from Barichara appeared first on Van en van.

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Laos – Lovely and Luscious, A Real Forest Retreat

After China, Laos was always going to be about rest and relaxation. If there is a better spot than South East Asia for doing exactly that, then tie me down sport, and call me an Aussie!!. The instant you enter South East Asia the shackles come off, the pressure dissipates, stress disappears, you...
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The Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

I remember, what seems like a lifetime ago, when we were saving and planning for this trip reading the blogs of people traveling South America and getting inspiration for our travels. Some places, in photo after photo, were so spectacular they became a must visit on my list of places to see, and...
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Tuesday 27 August 2013

Povestea celor trei orase – Samarkand

Samarkand… Numele e de ajuns pentru a face imaginatia sa zburde. Orasul care a supravietuit tragediilor si ambitiilor a doua imperii – cel al lui Tamerlan si cel bolsevic, e chiar si azi considerat un pol al culturii musulmane. Odinioara insa povestile despre aceste loc ii...
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Connecticut to New Hampshire…

With good weather forecast for the next few days, I left Niantic and began the long ride north to New Hampshire, which would take me through Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Vermont, before I reached North Conway before nightfall. I did not plan to stop and see too many of the sights in this...
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Figeac, Le Lot, France #1 8/13

The medieval town of Figeac is located on the Célé in the Lot District of France. Its prestigious past as a commercial center is evidenced by its tall sandstone town houses. It is now famous for its Saturday markets. We were excited when our friend Vivienne invited us to tag along....
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Maximum Risk...

We are finally leaving the campsite and on our way to the USA. We should be there in a few days to meet Mum. Another piece of good news is we’ve sorted our auto insurance for the USA. We have been dealing with the ex-pat department at AIG Insurance. Dealing directly with the underwriter so...
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Naar Kroatië

De Plivicer meren Het heeft de hele nacht gegoten, dus we besluiten om voorlopig o [...]

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Anchorage to Telkwa

The part finally arrived on Thursday but we didn’t get the bike back until late afternoon so it was another night in Anchorage. Our new friend John left a note through our door that if we wanted a buddy of his wanted to take us up for a ride in his pri…

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Monday 26 August 2013

Bagno di Gavorrano, Italy

  Being close to Bagno di Gavorrano in Italy by now we thought it would be time to wrap up the events of the last three weeks. We left on the 10th of July after a little farewell party the weekend before and a nice breakfast with the family in the morning. Leaving was certainly …...
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New England –

The further north I have ridden, the less I have been able to access the internet. For the time being, all I can do with the time available and little or no signal. is post a few maps showing where I have ridden.   I made it to the top of Mount Washington without any [...]

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Hoe hark je snel geld binnen?

Wat een giller: Joost is door de Tanzaniaanse verkeerspolitie voor corrupt uitgemaakt! We zijn net twee dagen in Tanzania en al twee keer hebben we een boete voor te hard rijden. En dat loopt snel op als je bedenkt dat … Lees verder →

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Top of the World

When we spent the night at Liard Hot Springs, we camped next to a biker who had already rode across much of Alaska and was on his way south back to his home in Canada.  We talked to him about our planned routes, and he made a recommendation. He had just driven over the “Top...
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3 Dutch Oven Recipes With Alcohol

Our latest favorite tool is our Dutch Oven. When I bought it, I was a bit unsure of how to use it and did not quite know if I would use it much. Well, since a few weeks, this is our favorite tool and I use if for almost all our meals nowadays. Lately not…
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The Joy of Long-Term Friends

We recently spent a long weekend with our friends, Ron & Dario and Dave & Anne. Having camped solo so far this year, it was an excellent reminder of the joy of camping with friends. Shared meal preparation, good food … Continue reading →
The Joy of Long-Term Friends is a post...
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The Imperial Citadel of Hue

Hue is the former capital of Vietnam, situated nearly in the center of the country. It is an easy city to get a hang of, split down the middle by the Perfume River, boarded by an appealing boardwalk.  The weather … Continue reading →
The Imperial Citadel of Hue is a post from:...
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Povestea celor trei orase – Bokhara

Intre Khiva si Bokhara hotaram sa mergem in trei, si sa dam o raita pe la asa-numitele castele de nisip, adica ruinele altor orase antice. Stralucitoare odinioara, azi doar mormane – impresionante de altfel – de nisip si piatra. Pistele de ajuns la castele sunt insa geniale....
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The Long Island Saga…

Patricia has spent many a summer in the Hampton’s on Long Island, not only teaching Pilates, but also working at a much respected restaurant in Sag Harbor. Naturally, she had made many friends there, some of which she had not seen since our wedding last year. Although riding on Long Island...
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Sunday 25 August 2013

Pech Merle Prehistoric Cave Paintings, France 8/13

Monika had always wanted to visit the famous prehistoric Lascaux caves but they have been closed to visitors for years and during the Summer holidays, the reconstructed caves are very popular so she jumped on the idea to visit the actual prehistoric caves of Pech Merle near Cabrerets in the Lot...
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Does the idea of rising at sparrow fart to shuffle aboard a busy train send a shudder down your spine? Yeah, I thought it might. That’s how most people make their way to Machu Picchu, though. But there is an alternative. It takes a little more time than the train, and perhaps a little more...
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Into Botswana

Day: 137 KLMS 21,957 Our final days in Namibia were spent on the western edge of the Caprivi Strip, at the best camp we’ve stayed at so far, Ngepi.  Nestled on the banks of the Okavango, the camp has been created by someone with a great sense of humour and is known for its unusual...
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Into Botswana

Day: 137 KLMS 21,957 Our final days in Namibia were spent on the western edge of the Caprivi Strip, at the best camp we’ve stayed at so far, Ngepi.  Nestled on the banks of the Okavango, the camp has been created by someone with a great sense of humour and is known for its unusual...
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Overland Travel - 4x4 Overland » Motorcycle