Wednesday 30 January 2013

Hidden Nicaraguan Gem

ParkToday was a special day for Gaila and I.  Talk about unexpected pleasures.  Yes...

Hanging out in Antigua

We are still in Antigua hanging out with GuateRider and GuateRider Girl. We cannot stop taking pictures in this lovely colonial town. They took us for a ride on Sunday to the La Reunion Golf Course for breakfast with an amazing view of the three ...

Sunday 27 January 2013


Now for the BEACH! we set out from Antigua in a pleasant 24, but as we drove closer to the coast it was 35 degrees. The ride here is nice and with very few of the dreaded tope. You pay a 5Q toll to cross the bridge over the canal in the mangroves ...

NORDKAPP.......Top of the World.

"It's All Downhill From Here".

Guatemala - Von der Vergangenheit in die Moderne

Saturday 26 January 2013

World Record Attempt

Hi Folks..

Sorry its been ages since I updated the blog!! I have been putting up regular updates on facebook and daily updates recently.

I have a few tales to tell about Peru and Bolivia, but I will have to back track to update you on...

Friday 25 January 2013

Tough Miles Blog 21: Ecuador Peru


Jon here:

Day 216, Friday 23rd November, it felt great to be back on the road. After the miraculous repair job p...

Wednesday 23 January 2013

All In A Days Ride…

Preface: Yesterday I sat down to write this article for one post. As I sat and the words spewed forward I could not fit it all into one post. As such, I am going to come back to it with a second section. OMG, each days ride is SO amazing…


Monday 21 January 2013

Tailing the Longjaw Squirrelfish

Well well well, here we are on Isla Utila, off the north coast of Honduras, in the Caribbean Sea, lounging in hammocks, sipping cervezas and planning tomorrow’s scuba diving. It’s been a w...

La Antigua Part 2

We are back in lovely Antigua with the famous Guaterider as our host and local travel guide. Julio may be sorry he convinced us to stay longer in Guatemala, because we may never leave (he didn’t). This is a great walking town. We headed to the li...



The road to Nordkapp, Norway .

Obiectiv Canon reparat!/ Canon Lens Fixed!

Dintre toate aventurile pe care le-am trait in peste zece ani de calatorii, turul A...

End of the World – Or so it was supposed to be…

Gaila Scorpion

When Gaila and I started into Mexico, we had a couple of e...

Friday 18 January 2013

Semuc Champey the wilds of Guatemala

On the advice of our friend Julio in Antigua we set off from the lake into the mountains northward. We road from Panajachel up into the Quiche (kee-chay). The road from Sacapulas to San Cristobal Verapaz is unpaved and sort of like driving up a ri...

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Belize – das liebenswerte Land in Mittelamerika

Thursday 10 January 2013

Antigua Guatemala

Dan was so happy to buy our first Guatemalan gas for our weekend trip up to Antigua at Texaco. The views as we drove along the old highway of the lake and the volcanoes were amazing. The route was very twisty and mountainous and involved several r...

Wet n’ Wild in Guatemala

We’ve been in Guatemala for 5 days now and it’s been nothing short of adventure.  It’s captivated our attention from the get go.  Crossing the border took 2 dreadfully long hours, not because it was difficult but because it was so grossly ineffici...

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Panajachel guatemala

After 6 months on the road we needed a little down time and we decided upon Panajachel, Guatemala on Lake Atitlan. It’s only 177 km from the Mexican border, but the drive took us about 5 hours. The first section of the “highway” near the border is...

Saturday 5 January 2013

Camping South of the Border

If you’re thinking about touring Mexico and Central America and want to camp along the way but are uncertain if it’s smart or safe, then you’re like us and likely haven’t found any much information on the subject.  And because of that the little i...