Thursday 30 August 2012

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Africa 420 – Romania 1

Turcia/ Turkey – Bulgaria - Romania 30/07 - 02/08

Ca de obicei cand ne-a placut un loc, am stat la taclale pana tarziu, desi a doua zi aveam de taiat Turcia de-a l...

Saturday 25 August 2012

Nicaraqua to Costa Rica

My first stop in Nicaragua was a city called Leon.
Leon is an extremely important city in Nicaragua famed for its part in the initiation of revolutions and revolutionary leaders. It is a very politically orientated city.
The day I arrived happened ...

Tuesday 21 August 2012

USA/CANADA - Pech und Pannen auf legendären Highways


USA/Canada - Video Alaska-Yukon


Monday 20 August 2012

Minunata anormalitate/ Beautiful Freaks

Turcia/ Turkey 28 - 30/07

Pe la jumatatea diminetii celei de-a patra zi de cand suisem la bordul navei, nu mai eram singuri pe mare. Mediterana parea neschimbata, dar...

Sunday 19 August 2012

Plan B

Sitting on deck of our hotel on the shores of beautiful Lake Huron, I can’t complain with the spectacular view of the lake and fabulous sunshine beaming down on us.

Friday 17 August 2012

Goodbye Pakistan


Seven States, Two Days…!!

There is not a heck of a lot to see in the mid-west, until you want to take in an agricultural museum in every small town you pass through…!!

I have covered just over  1 800 km in the last two days, riding in or through seven states…

Filling in the Gaps…!!

There are literally dozens of posts that I still need to complete, or make a start on…!!

Most of them are from my arrival in Canada, through to our epic ride to Alaska and back…

I will use this post to begin filling in the gaps, and once the po...

#69 Mating Season in Puerto Lopez

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Halfway there…!!

We have covered a little over 2 500 km since leaving Cochrane and the last four days have been amazing…!!

I am busy with a detailed post about today’s ride from Keystone in South Dakota, to Ainsworth in Nebraska…!!

Eyes, Ears, Heart, Mind and Throttle…!! Status: Wide Open…!!

I have covered almost 1 400 km in the last two days, riding from Cochrane in Canada, to Cody in Wyoming…

Full updates on my rides will follow, but for now, just a few words and photos to keep you in the loop…

Sunday 12 August 2012

Guatemala to Nicaragua Border Crossings

I left Guatemala City and headed towards the El Salvador border. I decided to make towards the Pacific Coast border crossing down south.

I rode into the border  town of Ciudad Pedro de Alvarado. Immediately on my arrival I am greeted by a guy aske...

MURP'S HOLLAND..................the Bicycle Diaries Pt III.


The Big Fella and I have both just achieved some minor milestones… Relatively speaking, that is…!!

Today marks the 900 th day since I set out on my journey around the world…!! I can hardly believe it has been so long… Some days it feels as though ...

A twist in the road, literally….

A lot has happened since our last update.  We made it to the Haas family reunion in Lake of Ozarks, Missouri (which is one of the reasons this whole ye...

Friday 10 August 2012

Legendara ruta Cape - Cairo/ Cape To Cairo. Done.

Trebuie sa spunem asta de la inceput: am mers repede. Ne-a fost greu uneori sa tinem pasul, emotional si cultural vorbind, atunci cand tara in care ne aflam era alta uneori la saptamana. Ruta Est se spune ca e cea ‘usoara’. Partial pentru ca o poti f...

The “Back to You…” Ride”…

I have spent the last three days resting up and being very well looked after by my friends Vince and Gabriella Ricci, who have gone out of their way to ensure that I remain both well-fed and lubricated, and taking just as much care of the Big Fella… ...

Thursday 9 August 2012

Cele o mie si unul de pacate egiptene/ The Thousand And One Egyptian Sins

Faptul ca Siria e o baie de sange ne-a anulat planurile de a traversa Orientul Mijlociu catre Asia. Singura iesire din Africa - un continent la care ne gandim foarte serios ca la p potentiala destinatie de viitor - este fie prin vest (Libia, Tunisia,...

Overland Travel - 4x4 Overland » Motorcycle