Tuesday 31 July 2012

Pe Valea Nilului si de-a lungul Marii Rosii/ The Nile Valley And The Red Sea Coast

Egypt 17 - 19/07/2012

Dupa cum anuntam intr-un ‘fast forward’, dupa cele mai dezgustatoare negocieri si dupa ce am cotizat substantial la bugetul de Ramadan al mafiei d...

Captivi in Purgatoriul calatorilor/ Trapped In Travel Purgatory

Egypt, Aswan 11 - 17/07/2012

Ziua 398 din calatorie. Ajungeam in fata ‘Gaurii de sosire’ (sic!) in Egipt, dar cu mai bine de doua milenii intarziere. Egiptul antic era demult istorie, lasand mostenire civilizatiilor urmatoare comori nepre...


Sudan 06 - 11/07/2012

Sunt locuri in lume unde, din cauza climatului extrem, masuratorile meteo pot fi facute numai cu sateliti NASA. Asa arata topul celor mai ridicate...

Sunday 29 July 2012

Lalibela te ingenuncheaza/ Lalibela - Assume Bedazzled Position

Din cauza masivului Mt.Yosef de 4190 de m, Lalibela nu pare ca s-ar afla la 2630 de m altitudine. 8 secole dupa de regele Lalibela din dinastia Zagwe a visat sa fondeze aici un al doilea Ierusalim, acest indepartat orasel ethiopian isi implineste, in...

Planeta Ethiopia / Planet Ethiopia

Ethiopia 28/06 - 06/07/2012

Avem un sentiment minunat de fiecare data cand aerul este ‘nou’, cum spune Yusuke. Entuziasm, dar si teama naturala de necunoscut. In ...

South to Anchorage…

After spending a day on my own to rest my ankle and do some writing, I left Fairbanks this morning and rode down towards Denali National Park, to hook up with the Prudhoe Posse again…

They had ridden the 200 km down there yesterday and had planned...


CANADA/USA - Video zum Blog Auf nach Alaska


CANADA/USA - Auf nach Alaska


Thursday 26 July 2012

A small and awesome break for us both :-)

So, after 3 & 1/2 months Gaila and I will be taking a break from our respective bikes – Lucille and Sassy Pants for a bit of non-motorcycle fun.  I will be fishing with college buddies in Canada – North of Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) and Ga...

Deep in the Heart of Texas

*** Old post that we never updated…so here it is :-)

Hi all.  Yes it has been awhile since our last update.  Sorry about that.  Both the mil...

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Hillbillys and GS Giants

We were happy to arrive at the GS Giants rally after spending a couple waterfront nights in Arkansas at Ouachita Lake (pronounced Wash-ta). 

Monday 23 July 2012

A Visit to Honda Motos Guatemala

I had developed some combustion problems simlilar to what I had been experiencing when my air filter was clogged up.

I stopped into Honda in Guatemala city to see if I could pick one up. After speaking to a few people the word started to get aroun...

ALASKA…!! The Last Frontier…

fter a long ride from Vancouver, we finally crossed the border into Alaska today…

Thursday 19 July 2012

Smal towns rock

Small towns are almost always a better stop than larger ones.  Mostly because they’re usually a more scenic ride to get to them, but also the likelihood of something out of the ordin...


Ever notice the smell of the Earth?   If I could bottle the scent, I think I’d name it Louisiana.  It’s hot, it’s humid (understatement) and buried in lush green vegetation and endle...

The Road North…

I am a long way north of the last post I was able to write about…

And much as happened since then… But finding the time to write and do justice to the people I have met and the places I have visited is proving too difficult for me…

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Vremea o ia razna in Kenya / Rogue Weather In Kenya

Kenya 10 - 27/06/2012

Multumim d-lor politisti, pentru ca ne lasati sa intram. A 20-a frontiera africana trecuta fara carnet de passage si fara probleme, de o motociclet...

Tuesday 17 July 2012

A Visit to the Cult of Maximon, San Andres Iztapa

In Guatemala there exists the very strange Cult of Maximon. Maximon or San Simon is a mixture of ancient Mayan religious practices and Catholicism. Legend has it that while the men of the village were working in the fields Maximon slept with thier wi...

Natron Schmatron

Tanzania 08 - 10/06/2012

Ne intorceam sa ne recuperam motocicleta de unde plecasem cu doar cateva zile in urma, in fata cladirii in ruina a vechii vami din Bagamoyo

We had returned to pick up our motorbike to the crumbling ol...



The LoneRider Motorcycle Tent

Natron Schmatron

Tanzania 08 - 10/06/2012

Ne intorceam sa ne recuperam motocicleta de unde plecasem cu doar cateva zile in urma, in fata cladirii in ruina a vechii vami din Bagamoyo

We had returned to pick up our motorbike to the crumbling old cust...

Thursday 12 July 2012

Planning for an Adventure Motorcycling Trip

Planning for an Adventure Motorcycling Trip.

Here is a video which introduces the idea of planning for an adventure motorcycling trip. Not one of our most exciting videos but informative none the less and it covers essential feedb...

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Sleeping on top of Volcan de San Pedro Atitlan

Lago de Atitlan has been described by Aldous Hulxley as the most beautiful lake in the world. Surrounded my mountains on all sides with 3 volcanoes overlooking it it certainly is breath taking. Dotted around the lake a...

Do you want it hard or soft? (your motorcycle luggage, that is)

I equipped this test Royal En...

Bike Update – Guatemala

Bike update.

I have put the bike through some really punishing stuff over the last few weeks. Lots of muck and a couple of hundred miles over very rough and rocky roads. I have riden through tropical jungle areas, through beautiful alpine environm...

Golden Gate to Fort Bragg…

The Golden Gate Bridge… Another iconic landmark that I wanted to ride the Big Fella onto and over…

Thursday 5 July 2012

Gulf of Mexico

We made it to the Gulf of Mexico a couple days ago at Galvaston, Texas.   Clearly a beach meca for many, but it’s certainly no CanCun although the weather might suggest otherwise.  T...

Announcement – Call for Assistance

Call for Assistance

I have decided I want to auction my bike off at the end of the trip to raise money for a yet to be named charity and possibly to undertake some other fund raising activities or ventures. The auction of the bike will come with s...

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Totul e mai fain in Zanzibar/ Everything Is Better In Zanzibar

Zanzibar 03 - 07/06/2012

Primavara Araba e in toi, iar piata locurilor de munca in arhitectura trece prin epoca glaciara. La 20 de mile nautice de coasta estica a Tanzaniei, intr-un golf din Zanzibar, Fatuma, in varsta de 36 de ani, s-a t...

Sunday 1 July 2012

Honda Cub does the desert road to Aqua Verde Mexico

This video was recorded on 20th of Feburary 2012. My map showed a dirt road leading off through the desert to a seculed beach called Aqua Verde, the opposite direction from La Paz Mexico my intented destination. I flipped a coin to decide. The coin s...

Stories from Iran

Many things are different here – very different. Even after three weeks in this country, we have not comprehended many things. But we want to tell you about some particularities, that have surprised us, or that are very characteristic.

1. ...


Los Padres to Santa Barbara…

Although the ride today was only a short one, it was made through a testing section of the Los Padres National Forest…  Over a hundred kilometres of tight, twisting road, that curled up steep inclines and dipped into deep valleys…

The road had no ...

Overland Travel - 4x4 Overland » Motorcycle